Monday, December 20, 2010

The Unites States: dec 17 2010

By al-Din on December 19, 2010 10:40 PM

The Shi'ah group arrested recently can make minch-meat of Sunnis! Never heard of such teaching in true Shi'ah. Wikileaks (cannot take wholesale though) said (Sunni) Wahabbi Saud urged attacking Shi'ah Iran. So who is the cannibal?

But the most powerful Islamic nation where Muslims could look up to is Iran. So why are we scoffing? The Sunni nations are busy splitting hairs, they cannot agree to work together and be united. Some are already reduced to wimps.

Knowledge comes through understanding and ideas from flexible minds. Ignorance breeds fossilised thoughts, intolerance and fanaticism. Polychotomous thinking and pluralism is dead. Malaysia is dead.

Schisms in Islam is good for the enemies. Let the Sunni-Shi'ah fight among themselves (Iraq, Pakistan), and sell them weapons of overkill. Divide them (Sudan, Palestine, Morocco-Sahara ...) and impoverished them with sanctions. Indeed, satan makes such deeds fair.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Rubbish: dec 10 2010

By al-Din on December 12, 2010 3:22 PM

If we are unable to solve KL's rubbish problem then:

i) we have not learn anything from much bigger cities how they go about it but many officials have been sent overseas for study-visits;
ii) KL should not get bigger than it is meaning no 100 storey superstructure and the likes;
iii) no more further pronouncements of cities anywhere else in Malaysia.

We are thankful that scrapyards are everywhere. They recycle solid waste especially metal and plastic and make good money. Ordinary people get paid for disposing their waste.

Adults are showing poor example to their children by throwing wastes by the window while driving. Otherwise our roadways are not littered with rubbish.

I have a dream not for KL but to transform desert into fertile oases in Arabia. The engineering feat is to pool human waste (during haj and umrah), siphon and release it to distant desert areas around Mekah, block by block of 100ha each for a period of time. Soon there will be plenty of arab(le) land!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Pos Malaysia gets white knight: dec 9 2010

al-Deen amin said...

Strange that a monopolistic entity can fail miserably. Something is not right somewhere. Is Khazanah itself the killing giant?

To rid off the deadwoods millions need to be spent after their squandering. The culprits are not bothered for bailouts will come. They go scott free! Life is easy for them in this ethereal world.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pertanian dan makanan maha penting: dec 3 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Canned pineapple is one of our export crop. It is a peat crop. Much of it is grown by Lee Pineapple at Pontian. Farms that grow the crop will sell their produce to the Lee factory.

Used to, Lembaga Perindustrian Nenas Malaysia (Pineapple Industry Board Malaysia) carried out their own research on agronomy at its station in Pontian. It had a canning research facility at Skudai. Come MARDI in 1969 took over all their research functions.

Since MARDI researches are very encompassing on crops other than rubber, oil palm, cocoa, and also on animals. It has more than enough to chew. As it is now only several MARDI researchers working on pineaaple but they are also involved with other research responsibilities.

Thus,it was bad planning Mardi got involved directly into pineapple research. Pineapple research lost continuity of manpower, aggressiveness, focus and years.

As it is, the Board's function is more towards product promotion. The people manning it are not scientists. They are from PSD.

There has been talk of establishing pineapple plantation in the peat soil of Sarawak. But without a critical mass of competent crop scientists we remain hesitant.

Pineapple research in Malaysia has been maligned. To forge ahead to meet global demand (now shortage) pineapple research need to be revamped along its original mould.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rebecca Sta Maria, AP's, Flip Flopping: nov 27 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Perak goes berak. Teluk Rubiah, a cosy cove not far from Setiawan has numerous delipidated 2 storey wooden bungalows and unkept golf course.

Millions had been spent on the project. What when wrong with the investment with no returns? What I guess is that it was meant to be an exclusive project for holiday niche for the rich. The flattened site for their holiday homes is now full of lalang.

Destined for its exclusiveness Tlk Rubiah was not promoted for public use and thus little income. The rich do not want to go all the way to such an out of the way place.

The guard told me that such an idyllic place has been leased to a Brazillian company for a steel mill.

The beach at Tlk Batik is much concretised and lembing paraphanelia pointing to the sky. It was landscaped as if we are in a museum setting! What a pity we do do not know how to do the right thing at the right place.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

najib's barefoot index: nov 24 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Since corporatised, TNB main interest is money making and spend it on themselves. Service comes second. Many of its new offices are overly impressive/expansive/expensive eg. Bidor, Bangi...

TNB is not into promoting solar power as it deems conflict of interest. Solar power would lead to less dependence of consumers on the grid and hence reduced income for TNB.

Way back in 1989, my business friend and I showed the then DG, Ahmad Tajuddin a model solar panel (with built in inverter) ready to be connected to the house grid.

And before that I had visited their main research center at Bangi again talking to the director about solar power for the interior orang asli dwellings.

A couple of years after that they set up another research center especially on (solar/alternative?) energy across the road from the main one. It is as if they are really serious about solar energy!

In Europe and elsewhere grid-connected solar power has been in operation for years. They have less sun power whereas here we have it in superabundance but lack the will power!

Monday, November 22, 2010

lagi macam2 ada di Malaysia: nov 19 2010

al-Deen said...

Rakyat tidak percaya kapada pemerintah yang membazir buta tuli demi keagungannya.

Lamunan syaitan menutup kesengsaraan rakyat dan ummah - Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somali ...

Pembaziran lampauan laknati amanat Allah sebagai pentadbir. Rakyat menyumpah.

the stock market: nov 19 2010

By al-Din on November 19, 2010 7:58 PM

The axis of satan (to borrow Bush's) has nowhere to go. It has to win at all costs otherwise bite the dust. It is on rampage to inflate the world and make real fast money from unbacked printed money. THe currency war is an act of brinkmanship to see how far others can take the economic disheaval and survive.

"Poor" Malaysia is going to loose (X billions RM) from its USD reserves in Bank Negara. Alongside that some heads may roll including Zeti's and the Finance Minister's.

If I have half-a-chance to make fast money I will jump into the stock market, let the devil take the hindmost! Afterall, it is a way to be in the high income economy as the PM wants us to be. Alas, I don't have access to the tips or insiders' information.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

why rm65m to refurbish seri perdana: nov 20 2010

al-Deen amin said...

Astagfirllah'alazim. Pembaziran lampauan pemerintah.

Kalau tidak takutkan rakyat takutlah kapada Allah. Agungkan.

Allah memberi dan menarik. Murkanya membawa kehancuran. Allahuakbar.

Dimana hati perut melihat apa berlaku diPakistan, Palestine, Afghanistan, Somali...?

Friday, November 12, 2010

wateragreements: nov 10 2010

By al-Din on November 11, 2010 9:09 PM

On hindsight, at the height of the nation's will during Tun's supremacy we could have get on with the water processing plant in Johore in superb running condition to supply more than enough water for the southern region. Alas, we are now whimpish.

Strategically, it would of course overshadow the twin towers in terms of satisfaction to the rakyat, honing of local expertise, and lastly and not the least our bargaining power. I do not see the cards on our sleeves. The present and past leaderships are/were mired in trial and error priorities notwithstanding the flip-flopping.

We are a small country that talk big. Indah khabar dari rupa. Cakap tak serupa bikin. That is why we are being taught one shameful lesson after by smaller neighbours the likes of Brunei and Singapore. What do we expect from bigger countries? They just bully us.

If we really want to make money we can sell recycle water if they want it to make newater! The herring-bone pipeline arrangement could very well channel recycle water right from Perlis to inundate the whole of Singapore.

Talking about inundation, is the rising sea water level due to climate change shrinking the island! Aha, that is the reason they want sand!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

prk: bn menyerlah tapi pm masuk hospital: nov 5 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

PM berehat dihospital dengan perasaan aman dan gembira. Harap halatuju kerajaan beliau akan datang lebih mencerminkan kehendak rakyat jelata.

Tiap penyakit ada ubatnya melainkan yang diqada'kan Allah. Khazanah hutan rimba dan tumbuhan disekeliling maupun binatang boleh mengubati penyakit tertentu.

Alhamdulillah, saya baru mendapat ramuan tumbuhan hutan yang dipercayai boleh mengubati cancer dan sedang mengujinya.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

high income economy: oct 26 2010

By al-Din on October 28, 2010 10:39 AM

Pos Malaysia has already on a fast track to be in the high income economy. For many years ordinary postage was 30 sen then suddenly jumped to 80sen. This is a rip-off for their incompetency. I asked the counter girl at Batu Gajah if she is getting any raise. No. So the high income is not trickling to the lower staff. Are they going to replace the CEO? "Dunno", the girl replied.

Young bright graduates are known for their idealism and dreams. Many want to be a millionaire by 40 and retire to travel and relax. Many a sweet young thing (syt) want to marry the rich, be happy and raise children. Many of the not so young go for datuks. The elderly rural folks want their children to be well off hoping they get sponsorship to do hajj.

The point is that citizens want to be in the high income bracket. Individually, it is more doable if one has the knowledge and willing to work hard. It is the efforts of people, the building blocks of society that finally lead the nation to prosperity. It is not so much of a nation-imposed phenomenon.

It augurs well for everybody if the nation attains a meaningful and balanced high income economy. The foundation, policies and strategies to do so must be in placed. We have yet to fully enhance human capital to reap knowledge economy. Workers must be assured of minimum wages in accordance to the job specifications and categories. The elderly, above 60 (as in Australia) must be given welfare. These are just of examples of what high income economy should cater also.

We are blessed with abundance of natural resources, equitable climate and human diversity. The credo is sustainable living at own level of attainment and taking care of the environment. The abode of peace is here.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

straight fight in galas: 0ct5 26 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Even in the heydays of Kesedar, the Post Brooke Orang Aslis in a village adjacent to the Kesedar office were neglected. They were not part of the agricultural development in terms of training, farming and other opportunities.

In the early 90's Japanese volunteers were helping Kesedar to train selected youths in modern highland agriculture.

Below are excerpts of previous comments on OA in several blogs including that of Ku Li.

Living with Pak Belang:

Seeing the pitiful state of an Orang Asli household, I asked them,”Mengapa tak bela ayam?”

“Pak Belang datang nanti”, Dolah answered.

We have encroached into all Orang Asli reservations with logging, development, and modern agriculture. They are driven further into the jungle to gather food sources and materials to trade. Alas, the resources are so meagre that they have to resort to hunting tigers for much needed cash.

Don’t blame them but ourselves for destroying their ecosystem and not doing enough to provide means of livelihood.

If you really want to see how marginalised and ill-treated they are the perkampungan Orang Asli Lojing, Kelantan is such a pitiful state. Several years ago their kampong was surrounded by greeneries but now much bulldozed to their very doorsteps. The river where they used to bath, wash, and fish is murky with eroded soil.

Is this humanity in the land of Nik Aziz?

bajet 2011 - perlu malaysia buat bangunan 100 tingkat: oct 15 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Rais got 1billion to spend on broadband, Permata 111M, bla, bla ... how much the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries got to strengthen our food security? Rice, our staple food production is till at 60%.

The severe flooding in many countries seems to be a global trend. The omen is that rice production in Thailand and Vietnam, our main suppliers, also in Malaysia may be ravaged by above normal flood during the coming monsoon.

My guesstimate is that the Ministry of Agriculture would require 1B+1B+1B+1B+1B 5billion to open up major rice bowls especially in Sarawak and Sabah, and to set up a national rice research institute/board to coordinate all development - land, water, crop, processing, by-products, marketing etc on rice industry. Indonesia and Japan can be self-sufficient why not us?

Food security is national security. Najib is going for fast returns and how to roll the money so that people are happy. But we are selfish if we don't think of food for generations to come. It seems that Noh Omar's ministry is not important.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

human development seminar, melbourne: oct 13 2010

By al-Din on October 14, 2010 3:41 PM

As an ordinary person I could easily mumble away if I am not sure what to say. Hardly anyone want to listen to me anyway. But as a leader, the content must be well thought of before making any pronouncement. The mark of statesmanship is not only what need to be said but also those best unsaid.

We have a penchant to use catch phrases to catch public attention and thus fashionable for politicians to quickly ape foreign statements (1Israel, We are One, ...) in a "desire to be linked with other countries" as Tun mentioned.

The PM is leading us into a fuzzy world of IMalaysia as he defined very loosely and let the politicians, communities and individual rakyat seek its meaning and direction. Rais started by conducting senamrobik. DPM said he is a Malay first. PM has to fire his political aide. My immediate reaction to 1M is a feeling of insecurity that dulled my brain how to make sense ot it.

Now many are getting into the bandwagon of 1 (ONE). Rais got 1B for broadband development.Then how much the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries got to strengthen food security? Our rice production is till at 60%. I suggest that he should be aiming for 1B+1B+1B+1B+1B.

The severe flooding in many countries seems to be a global trend. The omen is that rice production in Thailand and Vietnam, our main suppliers, also in Malaysia may be ravaged by above normal flood during the coming monsoon.

My guesstimate is that the Ministry of Agriculture would require 1B+1B+1B+1B+1B (5billion) to open up major rice bowls especially in Sarawak and Sabah, and to set up a national rice research institute/board to coordinate all development - land, water, crop, processing, by-products, marketing etc on rice industry. Indonesia and Japan can be self-sufficient why not us?

Food security is national security for 1Malaysia. Perhaps that is how I define 1Malaysia!

oct 18 - bloggers and felda: oct 16 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

It is without doubt that felda has done a lot and change a mindset of the Malays especially the earlier settlers and its management. A spirit of pioneering and innovation has been triggered for the people and nation.

With success come misgivings and if not rectified with time can be cancerous as any attitude of tidak apa will. People just need to be reminded of priorities and strive for efficient governance.

Felda Resorts has visibly overbuilt the number of wooden house-chalets in the middle of nowhere not known for its resort attractions (Sungkai area) and hardly being occupied!

Recycled leaders is the norm in Malaysia until they drop dead. They could retire in style though. Don't we plan of opportunities for others to take over?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

ujet 2011 - perlu Malaysia bangunan 100 tingkat: oct 16 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...
Rais got 1billion to spend on broadband, Permata 111M, bla, bla ... how much the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries got to strengthen our food security? Rice, our staple food production is till at 60%.

The severe flooding in many countries seems to be a global trend. The omen is that rice production in Thailand and Vietnam, our main suppliers, also in Malaysia may be ravaged by above normal flood during the coming monsoon.

My guesstimate is that the Ministry of Agriculture would require 1B+1B+1B+1B+1B 5billion to open up major rice bowls especially in Sarawak and Sabah, and to set up a national rice research institute/board to coordinate all development - land, water, crop, processing, by-products, marketing etc on rice industry. Indonesia and Japan can be self-sufficient why not us?

Food security is national security. Najib is going for fast returns and how to roll the money so that people are happy. But we are selfish if we don't think of food for generations to come. It seems that Noh Omar's ministry is not important.

Monday, September 27, 2010

High and low looking for Jho Low: Sept 24 2010

al-Deen said...

It seems that this JLow guy is no small go getter or go for it type. Agaknya, alang2 menyelok perkasam biar kepangkal lengan.

It takes a character and means to seek such fast and glamourous lifestyle and livelihood. Let it be for it is none of my business.

In business and politics there will be always suckers out there who need run-around boys, frontmen, proxi to get things done and other favours. Otherwise there would be no Tengku Wong and the likes.

Najib as the PM has the whole government and private machiney at his disposal to run the country. He has no time for high stake private deals or public deals that the rakyat has no knowledge. Suddenly the 5B TIA deal timbul! Singapore deal done! Everyone is in high income group! Hooray, hooray!

Najib has more than enough baggage from his mispronouncements and misjudgements to drown him and his honchos in pru13.

Four trillion dollars: Sept 21 2010

By al-Din on September 24, 2010 11:10 PM

The currency traders' jackpot has accumulated to such mindboggling 4trillion daily that many would struggle to have a share of it notswithstanding the greed and consequences. The (capitalistic) system allows for hedging and currency trading why not exploit to the limit it if you know how. It is democractic to use specific knowledge. Democracy has been praised as a cure-all, resurrected and hijacked to a demi-god but now and then demonic in the hands of the so-called upholders. Pity the sufferage but that is collateral damage.

Monday, August 2, 2010

High income economy: 30 july 2010

By al-Din on August 1, 2010 11:21 PM

The beras basmati of RM5/kg today is no longer of quality long grains as basmati (of same price) 6 months ago. That basmati is now at RM12/kg I was told.

With floods in parts of Pakistan, China and India and soon Southeast Asian countries with the coming monsoon the price of rice of any grade is bound to rise due to shortage. Are not these calamities signs of impending food problems?

Our politicians should talk more about food for the people and not about high income. When there is abundance of staple food especially our staple the common rakyat will be happy. The ruling government don't have to put all kinds of antics and shallow talk to buy votes then.

The government must make economic development and productivity happen and higher income will follow suit. Najib's statement is ill-conceived. It is as if putting the cart before the horse. The ordinary rakyat (as opposed to the rich) has no option but to sweat it out to earn more income.

Forcing high income is unnatural. In what way when many don't have the means? The government is definitely not in a position to dole out to the lower income group not with RM2billion losses by Sime Darby! The elegant pretender must be held responsible also.

Why Tun has to go all the way including the arithmatics to explain the ill-effects of artificial high income? Is anybody really thinking up there? Wasted votes.

Monday, July 26, 2010

I don't know why they hate us: 23 July 2010

By al-Din on July 26, 2010 4:18 PM
Walla-hu-alam. Allah yang lebih mengetahui.

By al-Din on July 26, 2010 4:13 PM

Aftermath of war on terror and hate:

1. The west send soldiers to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and become moving targets though the ratio of kill:kill is in their favour.

2. They lost in Iraq; are losing and pulling out from Afghanistan. They will hate us more.

3. Muslim states are devastated, thousands died. Revenge they will in one form or another till the next thousand years.

4. Many willing to die fighting. The number of suicide bombers will increase be it in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Palestine, Lebanon, Somali, Sudan, Yemen, Arabia, Balkan, Patani, Moroland ...

5. The Palestinians invent home-made rockets, become expert in tunnel-digging.

6. Population movement and out-migration of Muslims in turmoil areas increased and many landed in the west. Islam will rise from the west.

7. How much the mother earth can take the massacres, the ground-shaking bombs and missiles, and the scorching?

8. When mother earth gets jilted the sun rises from the west! By then it's too late for that's the end of time.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I don't know why they hate us: 23 July 2010

By al-Din on July 23, 2010 7:54 PM

Darwinism's "survival of the fittest" animalistic in origin has been the west's axiom wrongly ingrained and juxtaposed in their humaninistic framework. Animals do not think per se but humans do. That is the biggest difference to be embraced towards human survivalism.

War is business. The west wants the world in constant tension, hate and turmoil. Becoming paranoid of neighbours nation-states race to buy more weaponry. 'Prosper thy neighbour'is less of a prospect.

The west realised their stupidity of killing among themselves during the two World Wars. Hence, becoming wiser what better targets to look for but the Muslim states, weaken them and exploit their resources - animalistic Darwinism at work. To them killing is becoming habitual. Killing is nothing compared to a life of a dog.

In terms of war technology the US established a War College and also the Ministry of War. That was more than a century ago and from them evolved the sophistications. By now they are the masters of the art of war be it open or psychological. The latter is a potent machiney of disinformation, lying, espionage and assassinations.

It come to a stage that 'kill' is their jargon to stop the BP oil leak. Now they have to 'kill' the on-coming hurricane!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

internet guarantee: 11 july 2010

By al-Din on July 21, 2010 9:20 PM

Ever since Hugh Hefner made the female pubic public there is no turning back. Pornography is getting ever hardcore and easily available to the public in the internet and pasar malam.

The young get easily exited and may want to imitate deepthroat and other immoral stuff. The old get exitable too, finding their partners boring secretly romp somewhere/someone else. Remember Soi Lek?

We tend to say that adults can self-censure. If so, can a survey be conducted as to the extent and content? The innocent young are easily influenced. Due to lack of guidance and supervision become they become victims of pornography.

As the technology to censure pornography in the internet is available it should be used in order to prevent moral decay. It is just too tempting.

The west is already too deep in it to extract themselves out. As a result their values are full of contradictions. Tiger romped on-and-off turf. Killing is nothing compared to a life of a dog.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

khazanah... 13 July 2010

By al-Din on July 16, 2010 7:06 PM

As we all know Najib has a soft spot for felda. He will defend felda to the end, good or bad. Musang hitam knows how to play the game, put a (failed) felda man in sime darby.

My elderly chinaman mechanic at Brinchang put it point-blank to me: "Lu olang melayu hah tak lak boleh pigang lama". If he says that then every chinese knows our stamina so they have nothing to worry. Come what may - khazanah, PNB, sime darby ... it's just a matter of time.

So with all that racial emotions of melayu makan belacan, cina makan babi, hindu makan gedumbu, the malays have to reflect cooly, rationally and critically in order to put things in proper perspectives:

1. Given all the political and financial support we still fail.
2. Muslims yes, but our price is cheap as if Allah is not everseeing.
3. The inventiveness and toil of the other races have made Malaysia what it is today.
4. Judging by the developments around us, before and now - we need them more than they need us.
5. Our ways are just takers not givers.
6. The light is in the other tunnel. Look for it!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Khazanah: 13 July 2010

By al-Din on July 14, 2010 9:51 AM

Najib still maintains that Sime Darby and Pos Malaysia are financially stable (Star, today). That may be so. Is he purposely evading the greater issue: What happened to the billions lost? Without the losses both giants will be in a much better state. He must get the culprits to resign. The elegant pretender is still in a state of denial.

Najib has been in politics far too long since his father's days. He knows how to twist and turn as it is a common practice for politicians. They know the rakyat may disagree but powerless and hence forced to agree to be disagreeable. By the next day the rakyat will forget clouded by more issues purposely raised by the politicians to cover yesterday's mistakes.

Khazanah is floating on money and is on cloud nine. Losses in the fishing venture would not ground them. I read in the papers then that the technology was from Sweden/Norway. Beautiful blondes there eh! Some crooks stand to gain even the project failed. I know of a failed Bursa listed company, the directors are multi-millionaires.

For RM4 I will buy the fishing gear at the Langkawi Boustead boatyard! Boustead, once a foreign-owned before and famous too. Has the Malays did a number to the company?

Tun knows very well the anxiety and pangs for the Malay's shortcomings. Otherwise he won't write 'The Malay Dilemma', shed tears during the UMNO General Assembly, got rid of the Sleepyhead, blogging to unblock ... May Allah grant you long healthy life.

Friday, June 25, 2010

FDI: 23 June 2010

By al-Din on June 24, 2010 8:32 PM
In these changing times Tun has given viable long term approaches for our country to benefit from FDI in a wholesome manner. I would imagine that the federal and state governments should have a priority list of the kinds or categories of foreign investments that we should bring in.

In good times we have not adhere to such guidelines whatmore during bad times like these days brought about by self-inflicted mismanagement at all levels and forms. Anything goes for the meantime so that those with political self-interest survive and the country secondarily.

Haliburton is among the first to invest in Sri Iskandar corridor. It is a tenticular conglomerate backed by Dick Chenney. It is in Iraq providing mercenary support, the Mexico Gulf oil (spill) and elsewhere I do not know. APCO is BN backed.

The foreign China dolls invest direct (al beit through the pimps) their bodies (mobile as contrary to fixed) here. Thanks to VOA.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Anwar Ibrahim tak bersalah: 17.6.10

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...
Penulis berikut adalah x-MakNyah dan tahu sangat sengsara hidup cara sebegitu. Kembalilah kapada agama katanya untuk keselamatan dunia dan akhirat.

Mohd Nur Najmi Abdullah. 1996. Panduan Hidup Mak Nyah: Kembali pada Fitrah. Yakin Jitu Sdn Bhd, K Lumpur 115ms

Kebanayakan MakNyah orang Melayu. Apakah sebabnya begitu dan carilah punca musebabnya supaya dapat menyelesaikan masalah cara hidup luar kebiasaan. Apa dalam budaya kita? Adakah ibu-bapa atau masyarakat dipersalahkan? Ahli psikologi, sosiologi, psaikiatri, sexologi kata apa?

June 19, 2010 8:46 PM

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Can you help develop Tg Puput: May 20 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...
Although we have the jungle reservation to live in (and die) but the boundry is constantly being encroached. Before the last general election, the government proposed to establish a botanical park in Perak. We objected because part of our land may be taken. Our area is getting smaller and we have no title to the land.

Sometimes ago a number of children died from unknown causes in Cameron Highlands. The wanton use of chemicals by farmers have contaminated the groundwater and rivers - where our daily lives centred. The health of our people and surroundings are in dire need of rehabilitation. Booze and AIDS have come to our reservation. What has our government caretakers got to say to our predicament? Dia orang tu memang macam tu!

For some of us, the government has built houses fitted with zinc roof. But the roofs are too low and become unbearable during the heat of the day. We still prefer the traditional huts of palas roof even though we have to go deeper into the jungle and be free, at least for a little while more.

For long term sustainability the government could help to improve our living standard by:
1) Demarcate suitable agricultural land and give advise, supplies, guidance and incentives how to grow food and economic crops.
2) Help market our agricultural produce and jungle products.
3) Train us in various trades, skills, and crafts so that we could be more self-reliant and provide us better job opportunities.
4)Improve our health by providing better sanitation, medical services, drinking water, electricity and other amneties.
5) Build playgrounds, courts for sepak takraw, volleyball and such, community halls that also serve to play indoor games.
6) We need land titles for our reservation to secure ourselves legally and assure us security in this “Tanah Tumpah Darah Ku”.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bakun: May 19 2010

By al-Din on May 19, 2010 7:17 PM

The megawatt of Bakun has led to megawhat? The loss of billions that is. The rakyat will suffer. PNB will suffer losses and thus our Amanah Saham dividends.

The dawn raid of Guthrie (part of Sime Darby) in the London's market in Tun's time has turned into a grand oblivion. Only Zubir sacked? The elegant pretender, musang hitam berbulu ayam, the killer of Memali should go Japanese style - commit harakiri.

Malaysia is fortunate that Anwar and Musa, two anachronistically ambitious individuals did not become PM by the grace of Allah and thanks to Tun. The score for Tun is effectively +2-1= +1.

In the process of empowering Sarawak with megawatts, I lost some RM10k. The coal power plant set in Mukah (again by the China dolls) took my 3.5ac beautiful land by the South China Sea. The state's compensation was celah gigi. DAP won.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

LOangkawi O' Langkawi: May 17 2010

By al-Din on May 18, 2010 10:26 PM

Awad is a small Mediterranean island off the coast of Syria. It is rocky and thus naturally bare. It is historical because the Greeks were there before. Now, it is a popular tourist site for locals and also for fishermen to land their catch.

Of the other exotic Mediterranean islands on the European side, not only the islands but the holidaymakers, picnickers etc (Tun excluded!) are bare or almost! That was not the reason for a VC of a major local university signed a MoU with a university in Malta, of all places? He was on cloud nine!

Between islands and highlands, I prefer the latter for the reason of its climate. However, the parallel betwen them is that their ecosystems are unique and delicate. Space delimit the islands. The hills and mountains on the islands/highlands are prone to erosion when the vegetation are heavily disturbed or removed.

To manage people - administrators, contractors and laymen must know geography. The power of geography is that it can destroy or rejuvenate depending on who uses it.

Much of the time untrained people are given the job to develop and manage infrastructural and beautification projects. Look at Teluk Muroh, Lumut - concretised groundscape with giant lembing regalia pointing to the sky!

Understanding and discipline are crucial towards keeping a greener environment. One evening, while camping I was apprehended by the KOA campground manager for picking pieces of dead branches to be used for firewood!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

kebenaran itu selalunya pahit: 9 Mei 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Malaysia kini dalam keadaan tenat mencari semua punca dana negara. Sambil itu masih senang2 beri 2 telaga minyak kapada negara lain. Dimana kepentingan negara boleh digadaikan!

Bapak borek anak rintek. Dulunya bapaknya beri 1Genting kapada Lim Goh Tong untuk hub judi. Kini anaknya beri lesen judi kapada iMalaysia.

Income dari hub judi Genting dan lesen judi bola akan bercampur-aduk dengan pendapatan negara yang halal. Yang halal akan berbaur haram tanpa boleh dipisahkan. Masihkah kita mengaku kita negara Islam? Kepentingan bukan Islam lebih penting hingga lupakan bala dari Allah.

kebenaran itu selalunya pahit: 9 Mei 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Bilangan professor di Malaysia memang ramai. Ada yang telah menjabat professor mahu pangkat lagi - asyik mengejar gelaran Dato'/Datuk pula. Ini melibatkan mainan politik dan menggeselkan bahu dengan orang-orang kenamaan. Ia menggunakan nama dan fasilitas institusi sebagai batu loncatan.

Apabila bergelar professor dato/datuk ia terus syok berpolitik dalam dan luar institusi. Ia tahu orang tidak berani sentuh dia walaupun prestasi, output atau kelakuannya menurun.

Sebuah institusi terkenal masih menyimpan professor bergelar dato' yang pernah ditangkap basah sebagai dekan kampus cawangan. Apa VCnya buat? Pentadbiran sebegini akan memudaratkan institusi dan tauladan yang salah kapada semua pihak termasuk ahli akademia, kakitangan, pelajar dan khalayak ramai.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Debat DEB di Australia. May 5 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...
With reference to PM May 6th posting on orang asli which we missed.

Plight of my people: Part I

Imagined or real there are spirits in the jungle, evil ones and kind-hearted ones. And among all these hive and jive, live the human jungle dwellers, the Orang Asli, the so-called Proto-Malays, the pioneer brother of the Deutro-Malays.

The Orang Asli are my people. Unscrupulous people have taken many parts of the jungle ie. my kampongs and my towns so to speak. They simply come in with huge machines to get timber and make way for roads and farms. What are we supposed to do?

Our sources of plants for food and medicine are increasingly difficult to get. The rivers where we take our bath and catch fishes are no more prestine but coloured like teh-tarik. Our catch of birds, monkeys, squirrels and snakes are getting meager day by day because you have killed them directly or indirectly or driven them far into the jungle.

Now, we cannot hold wildboar feasts often anymore. When the outsiders use guns to hunt them wildlife dear to us such as seladang and deer, these animals become a rarity . We use traps and sumpit to hunt for food. The blowpipe dart cannot go very far as your bullets. Our catch are thus limited. Moreover, many of us are getting old and cannot blow our sumpit strong like before.

We are an ignorant and confused lot. We live by the land. Whatever extra money we have we buy salt, sugar, rice, Panadol, and titbits for the children from the van-seller. Please do not make it more difficult for us by proclaiming that out traditional shifting cultivation is bad for the environment. How could we move the mountains with our bare hands and primitive tools? It is the supposedly civilized people with machines who flatten the mountains and destroy the forests and everything in them including us.

May 6, 2010 4:30 PM
Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...
With reference to PM May 6th on Orang Asli posting which we missed.

Plight of my people: Part II

Sometimes ago, one of our people in Kampung Reka in Kelantan claimed that he saw a Si-Pak Belang (part of jungle law to call them indirectly and show respect) dragging a victim into the jungle. This was not the first and last episode. Since time immemorial there had been very many of our people were brutally devoured. At night we even have to compete with the elephants to gather durian fruits before they swallow them away.

We are the protectors of the jungle. The jungle is not neutral. We were then in the diffused forefront where the communists were active. It was not easy to fight against the terrorists knowing very well that they were lurking somewhere there. We were sharing the same jungle and footpaths. It was like sharing the bed with the enemy – sumpit versus gun.

We encouraged our young to join the Senoi Praq as jungle trackers and scouts that helped saved lives of many government soldiers during the emergency. They get some monthly pension, meager though.

May 6, 2010 6:57 PM
Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...
With reference to PM's May 6th posting on Orang Asli which we missed,

Plight of my people: Part III

Some years ago, there was a case of a group of local Malays (Kelantan) who tried to seize our land and we had to rough them up in self defense. A few got hurt. Several of us were brought to court and appeared on TV handcuffed. How haggard looking and malnourished they were! Theirs was a minor offense compared to ones who traded in dadah and whatnot. They are rich and yet want more and more. Ours was a case of survival, theirs greed above all, above patriotism.

We need protection or ways to defend ourselves and our families. There are so many intruders nowadays, humanoid and non-humanoid that come into the so-called reservation that you have alienated for us.

Was it true that a far-distant blood-cousin of us who lives along the Yuat River in that far-flung island of Papua New Guinea had his blood sample taken? They said that he has immunity against malaria and wanted to study and patent his cell line. They say that there are provisions in the global agreement on the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) for intellectual property rights and equitable sharing of benefits.

Now, if somebody come to my people and try to do something like that, what shall we do? We cannot run to the nearest police station to report immediately because it is so many miles away! Our area is not accessible by mobile phone either. We are hapless people.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

BN tawan semula Hulu Selangor: 25 Apr 2010

al-Din-amin said...

FELDA was in the limelight during the by-election campaign. With Najib's favoritism and off and on give-aways to FELDA so what's the problem?

Apparently, the agency's problems have been swept under the carpet only to surface during elections when other political parties want to expose them.

What the chairman has been doing?Why the setllers have been misappropriated of their land? The real problem in this country is that we maintain recycled leaders at all levels in the government machinery.

The has-beens have poor track records or corrupt. In Japan they quit or commit harakiri.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Europe in recession: 23 Apr 2010

By al-Din on April 24, 2010 12:01 AM

Religion, the very foundation of humanity and civilisation has long gone in the west. With that everything else - morality, economy will collapse. Of course this won't happen overnight but the signs are ominous now than ever.

EU will save Greece financially at all costs for it is a member of the community. Besides, they owe the Greeks for their thoughts, philosophy and tenets of civilisation.

The west coined terms albeit put-down such as the third world or developing copuntries. It makes them easier to exploit the world resources and poorer (inferior) people and nations for their high living.

For centuries, the east has been subjected to various forms of slavery and many a times at the point of a gun. If the west have been less wasteful and lived simply others will simply live. The world's resources would last longer for more people.

China is the upcoming super-power. But the country in the east with a proven track record of being sustainable through the centuries is Japan.

They have rised from atomic devastation. The country is in good governance, technologically advanced and leaders have foresight. The people are hard-working, discipline, highly educated, and have good values. Their scientists are everywhere with programs to help needy nations. They cracked the rice genome. Their youth are even doing community work at Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.

Here, at all levels whether in politics or governance are filled with recycled leaders, some just incapable while others corrupt. In Japan they quit or commit harakiri.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Menilai semula IIM: 12 Apr 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

NS, Melaka, Johor sudah tiada sawah padi lagi. Pengeluaran padi negara hanya mencukupi 65% sementara di Sarawak dan Sabah masing2 25%.

Jepun, Indonesia yang bilangan penduduknya ratusan juta cukup dengan beras sendiri. Kita mengharap beras import dari Vietnam dan Thailand.Bilangan penduduk mereka akan bertambah serta tanah sawah tidak meningkat maupun kurang. Oleh itu beras banyak untuk makanan sendiri dan kurang untuk export. Kalau ada bencana alam beras untuk export langsung tidak ada.

Semenjak tahun 70an lagi kita hendak mengeluarkan beras secukupnya tetapi sehingga ini masih tahap cakap-cakap aja.

Walau pun MARDI ada menjalankan penyelidikan padi tetapi tidak menyeluruh dan kepakaran dan bujet tidak mencukupi. Maklumlah MARDI perlu menjalankan penyelidikan pertanian yang luas.

Kami telah menghantar memorandum supaya mengadakan Malaysian Rice Research Board kpd Muhyiddin, Menteri Pertanian dulu. Di Jepun misalnya, 60 orang pakar mengkaji rice genome sahaja. Di MARDI hanya 15 orang penyelidik padi.

Kasihan cucu cicit kita akan bergantung lebih pada gandum (burgher, roti canai dsb) yang dikawal oleh barat!

Menilai semula IIM: 12 Apr 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

NS, Melaka, Johor sudah tiada sawah padi lagi. Pengeluaran padi negara hanya mencukupi 65% sementara di Sarawak dan Sabah masing2 25%.

Jepun, Indonesia yang bilangan penduduknya ratusan juta cukup dengan beras sendiri. Kita mengharap beras import dari Vietnam dan Thailand.Bilangan penduduk mereka akan bertambah serta tanah sawah tidak meningkat maupun kurang. Oleh itu beras banyak untuk makanan sendiri dan kurang untuk export. Kalau ada bencana alam beras untuk export langsung tidak ada.

Semenjak tahun 70an lagi kita hendak mengeluarkan beras secukupnya tetapi sehingga ini masih tahap cakap-cakap aja.

Walau pun MARDI ada menjalankan penyelidikan padi tetapi tidak menyeluruh dan kepakaran dan bujet tidak mencukupi. Maklumlah MARDI perlu menjalankan penyelidikan pertanian yang luas.

Kami telah menghantar memorandum supaya mengadakan Malaysian Rice Research Board kpd Muhyiddin, Menteri Pertanian dulu. Di Jepun misalnya, 60 orang pakar mengkaji rice genome sahaja. Di MARDI hanya 15 orang penyelidik padi.

Kasihan cucu cicit kita akan bergantung lebih pada gandum (burgher, roti canai dsb) yang dikawal oleh barat!

Albania: Apr 12 2010

By al-Din on April 12, 2010 10:50 PM

Alhamdullillah atas berita baik perkembangan Islam di Albania. Doa Allah murahkan rezeki Tun dan umur panjang serta kesihatan untuk berjihad membantu negara2 Islam. Tun telah berjasa kpd ummah didalam dan luar negeri - Acheh selepas Tsunami, Bosnia, Iraq dll.

The Muslim world view is still restricted and parochial within nation states. A typical comment we hear here is "Apa nak bantu luar negara disini banyak orang miskin" atau "Mereka memang suka bergaduh. Lantaklah".Memang ada kemiskininan disini tetapi kalau tengok (TV) di Darfur misalnya lalat mengerumuni manusia yang separuh mati kelaparan.

Negara barat beragenda unduk memecah belah Sudan kpd utara dan selatan. Sebab itu ia mahu kacau-bilau di Darfur digunakan sebagai isu. Negara Islam miskin kerana tidak saling membantu. Bermusuhan pula.

Berkurun darah Islam telah mengalir di Patani. Yang terharu dimana ramai Muslim ditembak di masjid. Darah kini mengalir diBangkok dan akan terus mengalir. Allah MAha Berkuasa.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Perlembagaan vs pelaksanaan menekan bumiputra: Apr 11 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Our leader now says that we are rentiers and petronage suckers. Two new putdown words. At the major level aren't GLCs are rentiers and petronage personified of the supposedly Malay-controlled government? Look who's who at CIMB.
SEDCs control and rent out so much state land. So what is he talking about? Putting catchwords without deep thinking.

Anyway what's wrong with rentier and petronage as a business strategy especially in a global market. Business agents have been used since time immemorial. I can't possibly manage my farm at CHighlands by remote control. So I rent it out.

We want to believe and follow leaders who do and say meaningful and rational things. What a compliment he gave to Robert Lau (just passed away) 'Toilet King' when he put all-out campaign for cleaner toilets! Don't he has a better term? Cakap terengkak-engkak.

Look what Tan Siew Sin did for his people. When the British were leaving many of their plantations were for sale. The estates were cleverly fragmented into holdings or units of 10acres or larger and thus affordable for the Chinese. They got the best land with infrastructure in placed. What I got from the MALAY YB who approved the lease of land for agriculture is 5 years!

Tun Razak gave the whole of Genting for a gambling hub. That income is unavoidably mixed-up with the national coffer. How is that we declare Malaysia is an Islamic country? Siapa yang kaya. Tanggunglah.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Contempt: Apr 1 2010

By al-Din on April 7, 2010 9:53 AM

The media can incite our feelings but up to a point when satiety numb our feelings. This is the case with atrocities committed by zionists against the Palestinians since 1948. Muslims everwhere Malaysia included have lost the inner battle of conscience and brotherhood in Islam.

Hulliburton, the defense company recruited mercenaries that killed many Iraqi civilians is amongst the first to operate in Sri Iskandar corridor!

We talk about boycotting zionist products. Yet we are proud to have the largest Coca Cola bottling company in the region at Nilai. We have Telco supermarket stores everywhere at the peril of homegrown smaller storest (Billion, The Store, TF, Giant etc), wholesale and retail shops that provide our essentials. In Japan the number of foreign-owned giant supermarkets are restricted.

Is APCO got anything to do with all these? Ask the 10 Million Ringgit man.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Derita rakyat raja Cameron Highlands: Mar 30 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Master Mariner Capt Rivers aka Hj Kadir telah menetap hampir 20 tahun di CH. Asalnya dari Toronto, Canada. Telah bertugas dimerata tempat sebagai polis, insuran perkapalan, menubuhkan FRU di Singapura, pengajar di Singapore Polytechnic.

Di Malaysia ia aktif dalam membanbtu keselamatan, persatuan dan masyarakat tempatan. Ia ahli sejarah dan telah menulis beberapa buah buku dan makalah.

oRivers PJ. 2004. The origin of ‘Sabah’. JMBRAS LXXVII(1):67-77
oRivers, Philip J, Capt. 2004. “1421” Voyages: Fact & Fancy. Perak Academy, Ipoh 98pp

Perpustakaannya penuh dengan buku. Sejadah terbentang tepi atas lantai tepi meja. Kini sedang menulis cerita baru berkenaan Jim Thomson.

Saya rasa dia terkilan kerana belum dapat kerakyatan Malaysia pada umurnya yang sudah lanjut ini.

March 31, 2010 9:25 AM

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Saya sokong benar didirikan Maahad Tahfiz Moden ala Andalusia. Saya berasa terharu kerana Pak Sedaro yang bukan dari CH maupun dari Pahang tahu apa nak diadakan supaya bilangan orang Melayu/Islam bertambah. Orang strategis beginilah kita hendak.

CH yang pertama diteroka oleh Camerons pada tahun 1888. Tempat yang begitu nyaman dan hubungan jalan raya sangat mudah sekarang perlu ada projek mega membina intelek Islam.

Saya fikir sesuai didirikan kampus universiti teragung ala Andalusia Orient diCH sebagai induk dan beberapa cawangan di dataran tinggi seperti Fraser's Hill, Gunung Jerai, Bkt Larut, Penang Hill dan Gunung Angsi. Ramai pelajar, pengkaji dan pakar Islam dari seluruh pelusuk dunia akan datang.

Kawasan Genting atau Janda Baik telak tidak sesuai lagi untuk membina kampus Islam kerana hub judi dan Toh Peh Kong ada diatas. Tun Razak telah membuat salah strategi kerana wang judi haram kini bercampur aduk dalam kutipan negara. Dimana negara Islam didunia ini ada Casino? Aku sajalah negara Islam. Tanggunglah bahananya. Ya Allah.

Gunung Angsi dulunya pernah dicuba tanam koko, getah, loquat dll tanaman oleh Brtish sebagai kajian.

March 31, 2010 9:51 AM

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Najib orang Pahang. Tengoklah sendiri keadaan orang Melayu CHighlands.Usahlah rebranding sana sini. MEB, GST, 1Malaysia.

Nak naikan taraf pendapatan tinggi seperti negara maju. Dengan apa, kalau makan tak cukup duit untuk sekolah anak tak cukup. Duit untuk PERMATA beratus juta! Apa realitinya. Nak tanding global tapi PPSMI diketepikan.

Keluarga dia bolehlah cakap banyak. Yang paling tinggi gaji GLC siapa? Kalau nak cepat dapatkan taraf pendapatan tinggi serahkan sebulan-dua gajinya kapada penduduk Melayu CH.

March 31, 2010 10:04 AM

Derita rakyat raja Cameron Highlands: Mar 30 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Pernah saya syurkan kapada ADO supaya bina semula surau di Batu 33 ditempat lebih luas. Jawabnya tanah tak ada! Tak ado otak orang den tu!

Kepada Penghulu saya syurkan supaya adakan lagi kampung atau reserve Melayu selain yang ada di Taman Sedia. Katanya: Apa bangsa lain kata! Memang bodoh sobodohnyo. Penakut.

Orang Pahang baik peringkat raja, MB dan lain2 berpangkat tinggi telah mengabaikan orang Melayu di CH melarat. Tidak ada perancangan tambahan lagi bangsa2 lain laju dengan kemajuan pertanian.

Raja pula entah ada berapa buah istana hinggapan disana. Acap kali datang rakyat akan menyambut mereka dan berbelanja. Masa itulah bangsa lain mainkan peranan.

Saya ada beli flat kerajaan untuk orang Melayu, walaupun telah bepuluh tahun selasai membayarnya tetapi grant tak dapat lagi. Kan ini menyusahkan Melayu?

March 30, 2010 6:30 PM

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Saya ada memohon tanah. ADO kata kalau orang Melayu diberi tanah mereka jual. Tetapi bukan senang dapat tanah ditempat istimewa ini tentunya kalau dapat nak simpan keanak cucu. Kalau nak jual kapada orang Melayu sebagai syaratnya. Rezeki kita tidak tentu dimana. Tanah tak boleh dikendong2.

Disemua negeri di Malaysia ini yang paling banyak menyimpan tanah ialah SDC. Merekalah yang banyak menggadai tanah kerajaan Melayu!

Ada yang telah beranak cucu diCH tetapi bila pohon tanah tak dapat. Sepatutnya untuk menggalakkan dan meramaikan lagi orang Melayu diCH mereka yang telah lama bermastautin diutamakan mendapat tanah.

Captain Rivers aka Hj Kadir yang menetap disempadan Ladang Teh Boh berkata "Orang Melayu memang suka menyusahkan orang lain". Masa kita memegang kuasa yang tak seberapa masih lagi kita tak sedar dan menyombong untuk menolong. Wahai Melayu!!

March 30, 2010 6:51 PM

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Derita rakyat raja Cameron Highlands: Mar 30 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Pegawai2 kerajaan CHighlands banyak syok sendiri maklumlah ditempat sejuk, jauh dari pantauan ibu pejabat. Kiranya orang dari ibu pejabat datang mereka lebih minat makan angin dan booth kereta akan dipenuhkan dengan bunga2an dan sayur2an oleh anak buah. Tertutuplah mulut.

Mesyuarat kerap diadakan diKuantan dan mesti ada alaun mileage, bermalam dan makanan. Pernah isteri seorang ADO mengatakan claim ke Kuantan lebih daripada gaji.

Dulu ada DO runtuhkan bangunan pejabar daerah lama yang masih tersergam dibena oleh British dan dibangunkan ditempat yang sama bangunan pejabat daerah baru. Sayang banyak membazir. Isterinya kalau dipadang golf bawa wang berkepul2.

Dulu UMNO CH ada sedikt hartanah tetapi telah dijual dan tidak tahu ujung pangkal apa berlaku pada duitnya. UMNO sudah belot kepentingan Melayu. Kepala2 UMNO dulu nampak mewah sekarang.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bila Belanda minta tanah, kadok naik junjung: Mar 21 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

The Malays need to take challenges. They should not take the easy way as exemplified in many instances be it in education, business, skills, administration etc.

Definitely we have lost much time and time is not with us anymore. We are in peril. We have to make everyone count. In other countries the mindset in upbringing is that an individual potential is limitless. "Baik-baik bawa mobil pak, mana tau terlanggar budak yang bakal jadi presiden," I once heard.

The angst and pangs in the Malay world are varied in form and degree. Each nation-state not in a strong position to help others near or far.

BERSATU. 1995. Resolusi persidangan pemimpin-pemimpin pejuang Patani. 4-5 Julai 1995, Patani
_____ & MPRMP. 1997. Hidup Mati Bangsa Melayu. Patani

oChambert-Loir. 1995. Catatan hubungan sejarah dan sastera antara Campa dengan dunia Melayu. Dlm Ismail Hussein, P-B Lafont and PO Dharma (ed) Dunia Melayu dan Dunia Indocina. DBP, K Lumpur hlm217-34

Lamant P-L. 1995. Orang Melayu di Kemboja menghadapi sistem politik protektorat Perancis. Dlm Ismail Hussein, P-B Lafont and PO Dharma (ed) Dunia Melayu dan Dunia Indocina. DBP, K Lumpur hlm123-36

Rodil BR. 1994. The minoritization of the indigenous communities of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago. Alternative Forum for Res in Mindanao, Davao City

Salah Jubair. 1999. Bangsamoro: A Nation under Endless Tyranny. IQ Marin, K Lumpur

Sri Lanka
Jayah, Murad. 1970. The plight of the Ceylon Malays today. Silver Jubilee Souvenir, Moors Islamic Cultural Home pp70-75

Samat TMG. 1959. The Malays – glorious past but what of their future? Sunday Times of Ceylon, Colombo, 7 May 1959

Cape Town
Du Plessis, Izaak David. 1972. Cape Malays. Standard Encyclopedia of Southern Africa. Cape Town 7:145-50

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bila Belanda minta tanah, kadok naik junjung: Mar 21 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Kalau mencari tempat mandi
Pertama pantai kedua teluk
Kalau mencari pemimpin negeri
Pertama pandai kedua elok.

Kalau padi yang ditanam
Jangan lalang yang naik
Jika budi yang ditanam
Jangan petualang yang bangkit.

Elok dibidang dulang suasa
Cawan perak diisi inti
Bila dikenang nasib bangsa
Awan berarak ditangisi. .

Rais Yatim. 2000. Zaman Beredar, Pusaka Bergilir. Endowment Publ, P Jaya

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Do the Right Thing about Ku Li: Mar 15 2010

on March 16, 2010 at 6:04 pm | Reply al-Deen-amin

Ku Li must be a threatening figure to many of his contemporaries (politicians) during his early heydays. When you become the finance minister you must be up and coming and perhaps groomed for the pinnacle (Zahid excluded!). If he was on a fast track and overtaken by ambition or arrogance then it would not be as bad as wanting to be the youngest PM.

When people feel (their interests) threatened, their insecurity and jealousy will concoct ways and means to rid off the cause. However, there were also politicians who were ambitious and used or colluded with him to promote their agenda. If the UMNO leader at that time was a weakling than Ku Li would gain to be the PM. He was outmatched by TDM.

Now that UMNO-BN is a weakling Ku Li’s service is needed more than ever. With the ups and downs he has undergone, he should be a much wizened and down to earth politician.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Disebalik resolusi perhimpunan agung MCA: Mar 14 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Tamadun lampau yang penuh dengan sengsara, kacau-bilau, feudalisma, peperangan, ketidak-adilan dan kebuluran telah memupuk tabii dan minda kaum Cina untuk strategi survival. Oleh itu mereka mementingkan sifat2 teras seperti kerja kuat, ekonomi kukuh, pembelajaran, persatuan, makanan untuk kesihatan dll.

Kemajuan yang hendak dicapai dalam dunia seolah melangit tidak diseimbangkan dengan etika kesederhanaan. Dari segi agama mereka (bukan Islam) kekayaan adalah tiket untuk kebahagiaan di alam barqa. Padahal untuk kesejahteraan manusia seantero buat selama-lamanya (sebelum khiamat) perlu ada "middle path" supaya tidak rakus di muka bumi ini. Kalau tidak bumi akan ketandusan bahan alam dan hidup manusia melarat seperti di Afrika.

Politik di Malaysia berasaskan perkauman. Oleh itu masing2 terpaksa mengenengahkan isu2 berbau perjuangan kaum untuk mengaut undi. Ini tidak dapat dielakan tetapi seperti Dr Ridhuan nyatakan perlu ada batasan dan kefahaman.

LKY, Mao Tze Tong, pemerintah2 Mat Saleh lampau dan sekarang faham benar the "Chinese psyche". Mereka berpendapat, authoritarian maupun dictatorship (kuku besi) adalah cara untuk memerintah bangsa Cina.

Pemerintah boleh dengar permintaan kaum2 lain tetapi perlu tegas mengikut dasar2 termaktub dalam perlembagaan dan fakta sejarah. Mereka dan generasi mereka tidak akan berhenti meminta sehingga wujudnya satu bangsa Malaysia.

Friday, March 12, 2010

A federation in name only: Mar 10 2010

The powers vested on the states and federal government are stated in the constitution. In due course, the Federal government has somehow tightened the grip over the states by acts of commission and omission as and when circumstances deem neccessary. The check and balance has become lopsided in favour of the federal. Why is it so?

In the first instance is that the ruling authority on the basis on its own political stratagem has unjustifiably ignored the rights of the state as in the case of the oil royalty for Kelantan. It has reneged on the dutifully signed Petroleum Development Act.

Another aspect is that states have mismanaged their resources. Many are bankcrupt or failed states. Poor governance, abuse of power, corruption, cronyism, and inefficiencies at all levels. Each keep on demanding increased allocation from year to year. With such dependencies, it’s no wonder that the federal has gained more control over the states.

The root of financial mismanagement begins of course at the district levels run by incompetent officers who over-delegate, misplaced prioritisation, poor budgetary and personnel control. It seems that their office buildings and surroundings are the only ones in town worth keeping, an epitome of ego-centrism forgetting that the money come from the people they are suppose to serve; not to serve themselves with such and end-of the year trips overseas.

The MBs and CMs have to bear the responsibility of failed states. What such fiascos as Bkt Pelanduk becomes Bkt Babi, stashing RM10 million overseas illegally, collapsed stadium the more reason they have to resign.

If the states are not sustainable the country will be constantly in debt needing more foreign borrowings from IMF and the likes.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fairuz (dulu PKR kini UMNO) perlu berhati2: Mar 10 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Dalam pergolakan politik sekarang agenda yang teragung ialah bagaimana dan bila Melayu dapat memerintah Pulau Mutiara itu. Kalau ianya tidak berlaku sehinggga kucing bertanduk pun Melayu tidak terbela. C

Yang si Pak Lah tu tidak ada strategi untuk membela Melayu malah menguntugkan bangsa lain. Peruntukan untuk projek seperti jambatan kedua sepatutnya disalurkan untuk pembangunan Melayu.

Begitulah keadaan di merata pelusuk Tanah Melayu dan Malaysia ini. Kerajaan Melayu baik di peringkat daerah,negeri dan negara mengabaikan kaum sendiri. Cuba lihat di-kampung2 pendalaman terutama di Sabah dan Sarawak - sawah dan sungai kering, api-air kekurangan, kesihatan melarat, jalan teruk. Jalan ke rumah kampung saya masih tanah merah padahal hanya suku km dari jalanraya Tampin-Gemas!

Yang lebih diutamakan kawasan perbandaran dengan koridornya, jalanraya sentiasa dinaik taraf. Menteri berkenaan luar-bandar tidak ada strategi menyeluruh tetapi lebih ad-hoc semasa membuat lawatan.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MEB: Pemerintah sedia menghadap risiko politik: Mar 6 2010

al-Din-amin said...

The proposed MEB and the proclaimed Ekuinas, 1Malaysia, PERMATA etc are all poorly justified or unjustified heavyweights that are going to sink UMNO, Melayu , Barisan and rakyat as a whole into an economic and political mess. Malaysia may develop into a half-way failed state. What is this endless sloganeering?

By taking in corrupts, have-beens, non-performers Najib has fallen into his own foolhardy doing – an entrapment he can't extricate himself. But we can do that service for him! To many Malays he and his ignoramus group are a liability to UMNO. The invitable cure is Najib has to go willingly. Ku Li is waiting.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pemerintah sedia mengahadapi risiko politik: Mar 6 2010


This is the age of sloganeering and rebranding! Very true indeed of what Dr Mahathir said about half-past sixes in control of the country. They haven't learn anything with their many years in the cabinet.

They talk big and feel safe for themselves least for the meantime. Bangsa is dispensible. We must catch votes!

Out of his own doing Najib now has to shoulder many biawak hidup. Things can't go right for him and worse the RAKYAT suffers with all these people putting trash ideas.

The economic situation must be that bad. My daughter teaching at Skudai was instructed to bring students for swimming competiton at Batu Pahat. She can't claim mileage, food and lodging! The Pengetua said that classroom fans can be only switched on after 10am.

What is this PERMATA scheme with RM millions being allocated? High performance schools to be given RM1 million? Much salary increase for Pengetua who performed well? Don't we know that it is the ordinary teachers who slog even weekends to bring up the name of the school? The Pengetuas are always out of office to attend meetings and courses.

Many of our government systems are suffering from sustainability crisis. Talk is cheap.

Menghargai toleransi pribumi: Mar 7 2010


Kaum pribumi mengahadapi banyak cabaran dan akan sentiasa dicabar. Sikap mereka bertoleransi diambil kesempatan untuk dieksploitasi oleh mereka untuk mengaut keuntungan berlebihan. Malahan mereka tidak akan puas dan terus mendesak, menghimpit dan memutar belit.

Saya sanjung Dr Ridhuan kerana lantang menyuarakan sikap keterlaluan Cina kiasu sambil membangkitkan kesedaran kaum pribumi. Saudara bertugas di tempat yang strategik dan giat bertelaah untuk kebaikan negara.

Allah telah menganugerahkan bumi bertuah ini dengan berbagai bangsa. Tidak dinafikan kaum-kaum pendatang banyak berjasa membangunkan negara ini. Munkin Allah berkehendakan begitu supaya pribumi tidak leka tetapi mesti berusaha mempelajari dari mereka yang tamadun dan teknologinya lebih terawal. Kesan persaingan dalam masyakat majmuk seperti di Malaysia lebih ketara sekiranya dibandingkan dengan masyarakat mono-etnik seperti di Indonesia.

Terasnya, tiap warga pribumi Melayu mesti berjuang untuk kejayaan diri dan kaumnya untuk dunia dan akhirat. Dengan itu negara akan lebih maju dan aman. Banyak masalah pribumi timbul dari sikap-sikap mereka sendiri yang membawa kelemahan dan kemunduran dalam pelbagai aspek.

Yang menghairankan Melayu yang memerintah tetapi Melayu yang susah. Orang Melayu susah menolong sebaliknya suka menyusahkan. Bangsa lain tidak akan bertungkus-lumus untuk kita. Tengok sajalah di kampung-kampung jauh dari perbandaran. Keadaan masih serba kekurangan - jalan sempit, sungai kekeringan, sawah terbiar, gigi congak tanda kurang pemakanan, penyakit berleluasan ...

Ahli-ahli politik, wakil rakyat dan ahli parlimen setelah menetap di pusat negeri atas KL mudah lupa orang kampung. Bajet banyak diperuntukan untuk membangunkan perbandaran, koridor, lebuhrraya, bangunan dan pejabat baru dsb. Menteri yang bertanggung jawab tidak lantang dengan strategi dan aksi pembangunan luar bandar.

Saya ingin bertanya, saudara Ridhuan pernah terfikir masuk politik?


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Geveva Motor Show: Mar 4 2010

By al-Din on March 6, 2010 12:09 AM

In life sojourn we meet all kinds of people. To the untrained mind this can be confusing because people tend to put their ideas across and one has to seive through them to remain sane. Education and wisdom help us to meander through life's maze.

At the inception of Proton my immediate superior was very volatile against the idea. He was volatile because he was just back with PhD from volatile Belfast! He was on government scholarship though!

Up to this day many still do not understand why we need Proton as exemplified by the previous PM! Yes, many could not see beyond their noses. Are they ignorant of the achievements of great nations and civilisations? Tun's idea of 2020 is a reminder to put peoples' sight further beyond our noses.

The next project people like to criticize is the Twin Towers. We could still come across comments saying that they are a waste. They think of being utilitarians but lack that far, far-sighted vision.

Great nations must have tangible heritage as a mode to inspire the populace. Individually as well as a group people will aspire to achieve what their leaders project to them to be.

If such is not true then why Emperor Shih Huang Ti built the Great Wall of China (apart to deter the northerners)) and now they have the rail-link to the westernmost part to Tibet, and the Three-Gorges Dam. They are thinking so far ahead even at the displacement of thousands of villages and millions of people! The people are willing to sacrifice.

The pharoahs built the pyramids, and the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas their symbols of power and achievements; the Greeks and Romans with their coloseums.

Why France built the Eifel Tower (mid-nineteenth century!) and the US sending people to the moon? The Japanese have the bullet trains and an airport on man-made sea-island at that.

Thus, Malaysia's venture into such projects as Proton, Twin Towers, the scenic bridge (?) are not only utilitarian but are comparatively small and not wasteful. Dream on Malaysia for generations ahead.

As circumstances demand it Tun has the unique ability to see the forest above the trees, at times the trees above the forest, at other times both the forest and the trees. Yet, he won't get lost when he in the forest surrounded by the trees! Even when the forest and the trees are not there yet he could still see them.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Jom menysahkan manusia Subramaniam: mar 3 2010


It is good that the government is taking measures to provide basic welfare governance to millions of legal migrant workers. They pay annual levi.

However, when the Minister proposes to have lessons for the employers then he is acting like a headmaster. Distributing booklets containing guidelines for the employers to adhere to would suffice.

What is important is that these workers should have ready access to an established avenues at district and state levels for them to report to (apart from their employers) when they have problems or need assistance.

Regulations must be enforced to ensure that they are being treated fairly especially by their agents, employers and in terms of wages, shelter, medical, religous and other basic needs.

For the Muslim workers they should not work in restaurants or residences serving pork. We are lax on these. Who bears the burden of dosa?

A standing national committee or body consisting of members from various ministries/agencies headed by the Labour Minister would set the policies, regulations, enforcement, reporting etc. to oversea that workers are not treated as slaves.

For a sustainable development of the country we surely need them in a long time to come.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Another one jumps ship: Mar 3 2010


The PR is in a state of flux and weakened with six PKR representatives out. This implies:
- the de facto leader being discredited.
- Chinese chauvinistic DAP fully controls Penang.
- many PKR Malay votes switch to PAS and some to UMNO.
- to survive, more PAS-DAP-PKR give and take.
- MB Khalid is shaky more so with the Islamic Bank case.
- PR is not sustainable.
- BN becomes stronger by default.
-Ku Li entrenched in UMNO and non-committal to possibilities plays his trump card right.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jom menysahkan manusia: Noh Omar: March 3 2010


Noh, cari kerja (splitting hairs)bukan buat kerja. Sebab tak fikir panjang, tanpa menjalankan penyelidikan, ada monopoli, guna teknologi canggih tak kena tempat menyebabkan harga ikan naik tak tentu pasal. Saya kena makan ikan kerana kolesterol tinggi. Sekarang nak beli dan makan ikan darah naik tinggi pula kerana marah!

Hari itu nak beri beras. Disini saya tak dengar sapa yang miskin terima. Untuk jangka pendek boleh tetapi apa strategi untuk jangka panjang untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran padi cukup maupun lebih? Bila bilangan penduduk meningkat 50 juta, 70 juta, 100 juta mana nak dapat beras. Bilangan penduduk negara pengeksport beras seperti Vietnam, Thailand akan meningkat juga dan beras berkurangan untuk eksport. Indonesia, Jepun boleh mencukupi beras mengapa tidak Malaysia?

Digesa Malaysia menubuhkan institusi penyelidikan padi yang menyeluruh seperti kelapa sawit (MPOB), getah (MRB)dan koko (MCB). Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) telah menghantar memorandum berkenaan hal ini pada tahun 2007 kapada Muhyiddin, Menteri Pertanian ketika itu. Kami akan kemukakan lagi kapada Noh Omar.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Proton's progress: March 2 2010

By al-Din on March 2, 2010 10:24 AM

That's the way to go Proton, F1, Lotus. Viva Mahathir. Proton will roll out hybrid cars soon! Can we have more Petronas-Proton link-ups in developing frontier technologies and commercialization?

Ya, they have RM4 worth of brains, the side-burned bullfrog and the mastertoadlah.

For long term sustainability we must develop a maintenance culture which is now lacking. We like to remove and renew leaving little history left for generations to come to learn.

For long term sustainability we want leaderships with vision. The right vision that is.

The last time when I was with a research organisation (10 years ago), the leadership was harping on downsizing and not expanding in order to cater for the complex demands of food supply for the continously growing population. The leaderships' written English was horrible and yet their dissertation was voluminous! They won't allow us to publish in foreign journals.

Working in an another institution, the leadership (dean) is a Datuk professorship with a khalwat case! I hear a worse case at UNISEL. If these are the kind of leadership being promoted and maintained those in the higher echalons are not doing their job and should be removed. People can go but institutions must stay.

Malaysia wants to be self-sufficient in rice since mid-seventies and now by 2015. It is easy to proclaim such but what are the strategies and groundworks? Rice is not an easy crop to grow for from the minuscule to the beasts - virus, fungi, snails, birds, buffaloes, and climate - flood, drought, wind, pollution can lay a claim on the crop.

Malaysia is in dire need to establish a national rice research institute along the model of the successful Malaysian Palm Oil Board if we really care for the staple food of generations to come.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Royalti Minyak: Mar 1 2010


The issue is not so much Najib lawan Ku Li. It is more about justice and equity sharing of resources. Terengganu, Sarawak and Sabah get their oil royalties (and not wang ihsan) why not Kelantan? Their oil rigs are also more than 3 nautical miles away from the shore.

For 34 long years the BN government has deprived the people of Kelantan their due of needed funds for development. The Federal is playing parochial politics over the state whereas the case is above and beyond such sentiments and even above race. A whole group of humanity is jeopardised.

Ku Li has been delienated in UMNO camps for a long while. People are jostling for positions even the upstart KJ wants to be the youngest PM! Perhaps he is not a groupie, no herd mentality, and don't throw money around to buy votes.

He has a fighting call, a legitimate one based on strong legal and moral grounds. He is fighting for the people. The simple solution is for Najib to give in. Nothing to lose face but for the sake of fairness and sustainability of communities, state and nation

Google Kow Tows to China: 28 Feb 2010


There used to be sleeping giant of China is awakening out from the doldrums of their past centuries of misgivings further burdened by the West's global repressive ways.

It's a dirty game they play and the West is now is in a state of paranoia. The East has been sweating, feeding and keeping their standards of living high. Their economies are crumbling. China and India will overtake them by the middle of this century provided that the West does not concoct wars in the region.

To be sustainable, Malaysia should jettison and benefit itself in many ways as possible to the coming world scenario.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ku Li to replace nik aziz: feb 24 2010

sustainablelivinginstitute (10:51:19) :

We are talking about sustainabilty of communities, state and a nation above and beyond parochial politics. If the people wants it, Ku Li is willing and Allah grants it why not. He is the man of the hour to lead the state at least if not Malaysia.

But as an outsider, I must say that the Kelantanese are not predictable. (Not really an outsider though because 7 generations or so ago, my children on the maternal side inherited the genes of an Indian Muslim Kadzi who married a Patani princess)

He has been up and more downs in the political arena. He has been obediently serving UMNO for years and years bidding time in his elegant ways but at the same time he has not been idle either. He was and is building substance. If he has made mistakes as everyone does, he would have learned and atone them.

There is nothing much in UMNO left for him. With the new lamentable line-up he is much an outcast. What a waste of talent if he can bring good to the people and country!

Blair the Liar: Feb 21 2010

By al-Din on February 23, 2010 4:41 PM

Philip Giraldi, former CIA counterterrorism expert, quoted by Craig Unger, Vanity Fair, March 2007:

"[The build up to an attack on Iran] is absolutely parallel [to Iraq]. They are using the same dance steps - demonize the bad guys, the pretext of diplomacy, keep out of negotiations, use proxies. It is Iraq redux."

... with modern U.S. electronics, so the United States can bomb when and where and how much it wishes. Just 120 B52, B1, and B2 bombers are able to hit five thousand targets on a single mission, and Iran's political, military, and economic infrastructure (except oil) would probably be targeted in addition to nuclear-related targets, so one day's bombing could do more damage than Iran could repair in one year."

Source: Gwynne Dyer. 2007. The Mess they Made: The Middle East after Iraq. Scribe, Melbourne pp180, 182

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Isu Royalti. Feb 23 2010


I am a newcomer to your blog, being new to blogging in fact. I have read several of your postings and will do the rest. There is much meat in your writings, and the arguments, proposals, ideas, vision are convincing and make much sense especially at these dire times.

As the wellknown culture in UMNO, intelligence and independent thoughts are not so welcomed. The evidence can be seen in the cabinet lineup. Too many of them. Once they open their mouths trash come out.

They are weakening the PM. Najib got to weed them out or got to be totally weeded out, all of them in PRU13. Well, he got the chance at the very beginning but failed to do it.

Thus braininess is a threat, real or imagine to herd mentality, groupings, positions of power. Vested interests can overide national wellbeing

Isu Royalti. Feb 23 2010

War is injustice. Injustice is insatiable. The war on terrorism and crusading will go on and on until the devil has drank (Muslim) blood to drunkardness. Allah will show them out.

On a smaller albeit local scale, the BN is develish (insatiable) to cause a 34 year injustice to the state and people of Kelantan, depriving them the much needed 5% petrolium income for development. They want to drive Nik Aziz to the bonkers. Pity, a simple Tok Guru is now half-crazy.

Orang Melayu memang suka menyusahkan orang lain terutamanya orang Melayu sendiri. If we cannot think above and beyond politics then humanity is at stake

Do the Right Thing: Feb 22 2010

It is about the best use of resources, equitable sharing of benefits, and sustainabilty of communities, state and nation. The last three factors are interlinked. The state must support communities and the nation must support the state. On the otherh hand, whole communities support the state and the state supports the nation. Definitely it is a multiway flow of supportive and dynamic interactions that lead to synergistic and sustainable development and human progress.

So, let’s be apolitical about it for it boils down to human needs. Anyway, the laws have been applied differently for other oil-producing states. That is amatter of concern too.

To be fair, the federal government should give Kelantan its due of petroleum income as it gives to Terengganu, Sarawak and Sabah. It must redistribute wealth in a just manner and do not discriminate innocent rakyat just because they are seemingly powerless.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mohd Najib: Feb 21 2010


Apa yang DS Rosmah hendak bayangkan ialah "Still water runs deep". Jangan sangka air yang tenang itu tiada buaya.

For every succesful man there is a woman as the saying goes. The public may have a wrong notion of DSR's frontline approach as often depicted by the media or word of mouth. Hence the hidden hand perception. We are used to sideline approach, rightly so of wives of former premiers and top politicians.

It is sometimes difficult to hide ones true emotions and personality especially under stress and duress. Thought that table banging, finger pointing and fist showing is part of it. But that is not good either for it may end up in fracas. Anyway, the most important thing is coming up with the right decisions at the right time to solve the prioritised issues with wisdom to be translated into public good.

On the PERMATA Pintar program is something like adding salt to sea water or export carpets to Belgium. Those children involve are creme de la creme and come from urban, established families who have the means and the know what to do with their children.

The fact is that the needy and deprived ones in the rurals should be given more attention in terms of facilities and opportunities. This would be fair. Go and see the small town and rural schools in Sarawak and Sabah and you know what I mean. The same applies to sekolah BISTARI concept carried out under Najib before.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Tigers: Feb 14 2010

Living with Pak Belang.

Seeing the pitiful state of an Orang Asli household, I asked them,"Mengapa tak bela ayam?"

"Pak Belang datang nanti", Dolah answered.

We have encroached into all Orang Asli reservations with logging, development, and modern agriculture. They are driven further into the jungle to gather food sources and materials to trade. Alas, the resources are so meagre that they have to resort to hunting tigers for much needed cash.

Don't blame them but ourselves for destroying their ecosystem and not doing enough to provide means of livelihood.

If you really want to see how marginalised and ill-treated they are the perkampungan Orang Asli Lojing, Kelantan is such a pitiful state. Several years ago their kampong was surrounded by greeneries but now much bulldozed to their very doorsteps. The river where they used to bath, wash, and fish is murky with eroded soil.

Is this humanity in the land of Nik Aziz?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

MV Agusta again. Feb 9 2010

By al-Din on February 11, 2010 5:32 AM

Twelve points on the MV Agusta fiasco:

1. The amount of money lost was voluminous enough to be a grief to Proton, country and Malaysians as a whole.

2. The amount lost was a gigantic gain by the group of unpatriotic Malaysians who pulled off the great cheat.

3. It proved the point to the world that the Italians (Romans of old) came off with a great raid.

4. The Robb Report further reinforced the success of the dawn raid to the world. Shame you Malaysians!

5. Harley Davidson and BMW expand their business from MV Agusta and are laughing at us for being fools.

6. On paper, the sale of MV Agusta worth a grain a sand but was it so?

7. The Malaysian perpetrators are still scot free and with money in the bank.

8. What is the Malaysian government and people do about it?

9. For PRU13, the opposition parties will use the MV Agusta debacle as a campaign issue to say that BN governance is corrupt.

10. Malaysians, especially the new and coming generationshave been deprived of acquiring homegrown motorcyle technology and its spin-off in terms of jobs, economics and pride.

11. Putting the protagonist of Proton, Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to ignominity by design by the perpetrators. If not why they did not seek his advice as advisor of Proton?

12. Malaysia will suffer the consequence of the tragedy of commons, one fiasco (MV Agusta), another (PKFZ), more (Rapid Transit buses, used commuter trains, Ipoh northwards double tracked lines) and more (masjid Terengganu runtuh, Altantuya, VOA, scenic bridge ...).

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Science and Islam: Feb 8 2010

By al-Din on February 9, 2010 1:28 AM

Yang terhormat Tun.

Behind science and discoveries: End of a Malay kingdom

The Melaka kingdom or sultanate lasted just slightly over a century (1402-1511). At its establishment period (by Parameswara), world events elsewhere were already in a state of flux with wars and conquests, coronations, explorations and discoveries, inventions, advances in sciences and humanities.

At the onset of the Malay kingdom, Western Europe was undergoing the Renaissance period when arts and architecture flourished at its centre, Venice. The Ming Dynasty was at its zenith especially in sea power. The Ottomans (Turkish) empire was expanding with a great victory at Kosovo in 1389 which gave them control of the Balkans for the next 500 years. The Tartars under Timur, however curbed the Ottomans by conquering Central Asia beginning in 1395.

The look-East policy by a western nation was first initiated when Portuguese navigators, geographers and seamen were encouraged to make expeditions to the East by Prince Henry ‘The Navigator’. By 1488 Bartholomew Diaz had rounded the southern tip of Africa and named it as the Cape of Good Hope. Their goal to the East was now wide open.

Duarte Barbosa wrote about Melaka as a great centre of eastern trade “Whoever is Lord in Malacca has his hand on the throat of Venice”. Melaka had become a trading centre where exotic goods and products from the East were reaching Europe. So much so that the King of Portugal, King Manuel in 1509 dispatched a fleet under Lopez de Sequeira to request for permission from the Sultan to trade.

Melaka was under the reign of Sultan Mahmud Shah (1488-1511), the sixth Sultan of Melaka. The Bendahara was Tun Mutahir, the uncle of the Sultan. Using kris and spears Tun Hasan Temenggong and his warriors managed to repel de Sequiera and his men armed with matchlocks.

World events in science and discoveries 20 years before the fall of Melaka:

1488 - Portugal’s Bartolomeu Dias rounds Cape of Good Hope, opening a new route to India.

1490-2 - German geographer and navigator Martin Behaim (1440-1507) constructs the oldest globe.

1492 -1502 - Voyages by Columbus, the Genoese-born explorer reach Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola (Haiti), Trinidad and Panama.

1495- Aldine Press in Venice prints the Greek Classics, spreading rebirth of Greek learning.

1495 - First known muzzle-loading rifles made for Maximilian, the Holy Roman Emperor.

1497 - John Cabot, an Italian navigator employed by Henry VII of England, lands in Newfoundland, which he mistakes for China.

1497 - Italian artist and inventor, Leonardo da Vinci paints Last Supper, Mona Lisa in 1502.

1497-8 - Genoese-born explorer makes two voyages in search of a North-West Passage to China and discovers Newfoundland.

1498 - Vasco da Gama of Portugal reaches west coast of India at Calicut after rounding southern Africa.

1499 - Switzerland gains independence from the German Empire.

1499-1501 - Florentine navigator Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512) explores coast of South America, and gives his name to the continent.

1500 - Portuguese navigator, Pedro Cabral lands on the coast of Brazil and claims it for the Portuguese Crown.

1501 - In Venice, Ottaviano dei Petrucci publishes first printed music.

1506 - St. Peter’s, Rome began to be built.

1509 - Earliest known pocket watch made at Nuremberg, Germany.

1509 - Dutch humanist and scholar Erasmus, the most influential man of letters in northern Europe writes Encomium Moriae (‘In Praise of Folly’).

1509 - Portuguese flotilla under de Sequeira’s arrives in Melaka.

1510 - Venetian Renaissance at its peak.

1511 - de Albuquerque conquest of Malacca and end of the Melaka Sultanate.

In hindsight, we could deduce plausible explanations as to the success and longevity, or failure of a kingdom. External factors as well as internal strength or problems affect the stability and sovereignity of any nation. For the case of Melaka, it was the total lack of science and discoveries that led to its downfall.

Leonardo da Vinci's last words at his death ‘I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.’

Monday, February 8, 2010

Science and Islam: Feb 8 2010

By al-Din on February 8, 2010 11:38 AM

Salam Tun,

Science, professionalism, and frauds

The practice of normal science or textbook science will not bring us to the frontier of technology. There are two prerequisites to enable non-normal (new) science to bloom, firstly knowledge and secondly the climate that allows constant disproving of hypothesis/ideas/findings to test their robustness and hence improve upon them.

Science is not the ultimate truth. We are using science to get closer to the truth. That is the dogma of science and a paradigm that scientists have to reconcile with. To quote Professor Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Atas in his book Islam and the Philosophy of Science stated that “For every truth there is a limit that is true to that truth; the knowledge of that limit is wisdom”. The ultimate truth belongs to the Almighty and His revelations.

In our quest towards scientific advancement we must work on the basis of truth and reject the untruth. This etiquette on truth has been expounded more than 2000 years ago by Aristotle (384-322BC), a Greek philosopher “To be acceptable as scientific knowledge a truth must be a deduction from other truths”. Truth leads to a climate of trust and accountability towards research and public beneficiaries.

Advancement in science is essential for national security. In our case, the priority is the advancement of science aimed at abundance in food supply. Often said it is a national agenda or policy but we have failed to make it a reality especially in rice production. The country’s system of rice production must jettison itself to be self-sufficient and not at the current 60% self-sufficiency. The country needs to study and revamp the whole array of factors influencing our staple food supply chain – land, water, research, technology, processing, marketing, laws and regulation, and enforcement.

The very basic tenet of science as exemplified in testing a hypothesis follows standard experimental procedures. Thus, there are not that many shortcuts towards excellence in science. Suffice to say that the road towards excellence and leadership in science is long and arduous. To be a scientist, one has to go through the grinds of a sound training obtained from established institution with well-known academicians. Equiped with a strong foundation a scientist is likely to contribute towards high throughput of quality research, technology generation and paper writing.

The hue and cry sometimes ago was that many professors and dons do not publish enough to meet their ranks (The Star, 21 Nov 2007). Whom to blame? The system or the so-called professors? To them the institution is a springboard for self-gain. Yes, scientists must write. Research results must be put in black and white and get published in acceptable publications so that new information can be disseminated and put to good use for the general public.

Writing sharpens the mind and the thought processes. It is not an easy task. It is an art. As in any work of art, practice makes perfect. It was noted that Abraham Lincoln once rewrote a letter a hundred times and yet did not send it for some reasons or another.

Improvement in writing comes gradually and seldom by leaps and bounds. It involves mental preparation beforehand – much reading and thinking about the subject matter over and over. The hardest act is to get into the physical commitment – getting glued to the chair and face the computer for hours on end, key in the data and the correct words, and out comes the draft paper! Usually, there is strong challenge or motivational force that moves us to write, be it to complete a thesis, for seminar presentation, or promotional inducement etc. Over time one gets the knack of writing and then it becomes a joy of doing it for whatever purpose. After a piece of good work is done (well), one tends to look back and in bewilderment say how in the world I could write that blurb!

A scientist is a professional that adds new knowledge to an existing pool of scientific knowledge. The Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defined professionalism as “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. Thus, it is an encompassing word that conjures elusiveness as the wind to grapple with. It has something to do with the fabric of an individual’s conduct – education, training, attitudes, habits, interests, use and abuse of knowledge/power, et cetera, et cetera.

It has been said that man is an egoistic animal. Then, is ego a problem in science? A big dose of it, yes. A big ego acts as a shield or mental block to knowledge, enquiries, and curiosities. Prolonged overdose of ego works strangely on the mind and personality leading to dire consequences on science and professionalism. As result of knowledge withdrawal over time the negative effect would be a feeling of inadequacy and insecurity. The person develops into a know-all buffoon and higher-than-thou attitude. An insecure person in a position of leadership is dangerous for the organisation for insecurity breeds insecurity being proven so for umpteenth of times.

Being human we need to guard truth, trust and accountability with appropriate systems of check and countercheck, reward and sanction. Reward and recognition should be due when it is due. If the yardstick is the number of papers published so be it.

Is the academia free of frauds or corrupt practices? Surely not. Of greater concern in academia is perhaps the corruption of minds. As expected among the milieu of the academicians there are some who thrive and hide using gameplans and corrupt practices such as politicking, rumour mongering, and character assassination. Their moral conduct questionable. Along the way the minds of students and (young) academicians got waylaid as to the correct principles, ethics, and fine values of education and research.

Who are these people who resort to fraud to achieve their ends? They are the mediocre and deficient in output but ambitious. They exploit students to do research and publish papers. Oftentimes they take the limelight by presenting the papers as their own work ie. plagiarism (refer to Sunday Straits Times, 10 Nov 1996). They use all means of influence within and outside the university to gain positions and promotions. They are to be seen to have the connections and unceremoniously drop in names of VIPs during casual conversations. Per chance they are in position of authority that is when they become dangerous and suppressive of threats real or imagined. They will find faults and use veiled threats and make people insecure.

If we allow those who commit frauds of science to go unpunished then the institution will suffer the tragedy of the commons. Meaning, that one additional fraud does not make any difference. Add one more, one more, and more, the cumulative effect of which would be tragedy beyond repair.

People come and go but the institution stays. The institution or organization should in fact gets stronger from day to day. Hence, an institution must devise effective means to weed out frauds and pretenders who corrupt science and the minds of others. Otherwise, it is easy to aim and claim that we are world class.

http://www.sustainable living institute (SAVE)

Friday, February 5, 2010

kepelbagaian suara Melayu: 5 Feb 2010


Pemimpin yang memperbudakkan minda raakyat akan terjerumus kedalam perangkap sendiri atau ia akan memakan tuannya. Oleh itu bila rakyat memberi pandangan pemimpin akan kurang mendengarnya dan ambil perhatian.

Bila pemimpin menghadapi masalah besar ia akan cepat rujuk kapada raja untuk mencari penyelesaian. Atau ia akan bergantung langsung kapada keputusan mahkamah. Ini memberi implikasi yang ia tidak bertanggung jawab atas keputusan yang harus diambil.

Andainya keputusan raja atau mahkamah tidak diterima rakyat pihak yang dirujuk akan dipersalahkan dan bukan tanggung jawab pemimpin itu sendiri. Dari segi ini pemimpin telah bertindak seperti kebudak-budakan.

Pembawaan kebudak-budakan ini jelas kelihatan bila menteri perlu merujuk kapada PM untuk nasihat atau keputusan atas perkara yang agak kecil seperti kebocoran maklumat negara. Walaupun ia rujuklah dahulu sebelum diumumkan.

Apabila Churchill hendak berperang pun ia sendiri membuat keputusannya selepas itu barulah memberitahu Buckingham Palace!

Dalam sembahyang Jumaat kaum Muslimat akan berdoa agar pemerintah dan raja di rahmati Allah. Mereka patut bertanggung jawab pula kapada ummah. Jangan memperlakukan kehendak sendiri kerana apa-apa langkah diambil bukan hanya melibatkan diri sendiri tetapi semua rakyat yang berdoa atau tidak berdoa.

Adakah patut raja melumurkan darah dengan si-pembunuh penduduk Iraq Tony Blair dengan menyanjungnya di Sabah? Allah telah membayangkan balasannya baik dari peringkat negeri mahupun negara.

kepelbagaian suara Melayu: 5 Feb 2010


Kepelbagaian merupakan lumrah alam yang dikurniakan oleh Allah. Dari sebesar-besarnya galaxi, planet hingga sekecil-kecilnya sub-atom. Semuanya ini berintaksi dan mempengaruhi antara satu sama lain dalam berbagai perkara seperti tarikan graviti misalnya. Manusia telah mengkaji dan maklum atas perkara seperti ini dan dalam banyak hal lagi.

Allah mengurniakan Malaysia dengan berbagai bangsa dan etnik supaya dapat kita mempelajari antara satu sama lain, menguatkan pemikiran yang berbeza berbangkit dari kepelbagaian budaya, agama, genetik dll.

Dalam Bangsa Melayu juga terdapat kepelbagaian asal-usul, budaya, kebolehan dsb. Tetapi kita tidak menggunakan kepelbagaian ini dengan sepenuhnya untuk kemajuan dan kebaikan. Malah, dalam banyak perkara kita suka memupuk keseragaman pemikiran (collective thought) dan indoktrinasi. Di peringkat universiti pun dipaksa pakai uniform bertali leher supaya berlagak sebagai eksekutif. Kononnya untuk meningkatkan disiplin tetapi kesan jangka panjangnya adalah 'herd mentality'. Menetapkan berpakaian batik atau uniform pada hari tertentu masa bertugas adalah unsur memperbudak-budakan daya pemikiran kita.

Pada pandangan pemimpin 'one collective thought' itu memudahkan pentadbiran negara kerana rakyat tidak akan banyak soal dan lebih mengikut sahaja. Ini menyenangkan tugasnya. Konsep 1Malaysia telah terbawa-terbawa kearah tersebut dengan adanya slogan-slogan berupa indoktrinasi minda.

Ya, kepelbagaian kumpulan suara Melayu sepatutnya digalakkan terutamanya dalam suasana politik pemimpin yang tahu hanya berpolitik untuk mengekalkan kedudukan hingga sanggup membelakangkan hak bangsa sendiri.